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2023 Sponsors

Main Arena Sponsor

















































Leadline High Point - Kansas POAC

Leadline Reserve High Point - Kansas POAC

9 & Under High Point - Kansas POAC

9 & Under Reserve High Point - Tri-Con Services

10-13 High Point - Rod Fears

10-13 Reserve High Point - Kathy McKenzie

14-18 High Point - Mark, Lori and Libby Collins in Memory of Suddenly Suzanna

14-18 Reserve High Point - Mark, Lori and Libby Collins in Memory of Suddenly Suzanna

Multi Pony 18& Under High Point - JB Farms - The Bland Family

Multi Pony 18 & Under Reserve High Point - JB Farms - The Bland Family  




18 & Under Walk/Trot High Point - Clint DeSpain

18 & Under Walk/Trot Reserve High Point - Linsey Ray

19 & Over High Point - Doug and Connie Ray

19& Over Reserve - Rod Fears

19 & Over W/T High Point - Cross Winds Ranch - Rikki & Chris Clark

19 & Over W/T Reserve - Rod Fears

Non-Pro W/T/L High Point - KNAB in Memory of Shez A Dandy 2C

Non-Pro W/T/L Reserve High Point - Rod Fears

Games Leadline 6 & Under High Point - Shirley, Susie & Cindy Denny

Games Leadline 6 & Under Reserve - Grain Hallers LLC - Tony, Nicky, Kadi, Baylee & Peyton Hall

Games 9 & Under High Point - Shirley, Susie & Cindy Denny

Games 9 & Under Reserve - Grain Hallers LLC - Tony, Nicky, Kadi, Baylee & Peyton Hall

Games 10-13 High Point - Shirley, Susie & Cindy Denny

Games 10-13 Reserve - Grain Hallers LLC - Tony, Nicky, Kadi, Baylee & Peyton Hall

Games 14-18 Hight Point - Shirley, Susie & Cindy Denny

Games 14-18 Reserve - Grain Hallers LLC - Tony, Nicky, Kadi, Baylee & Peyton Hall




Grand Champion Stallion - In Memory of Dave Morris

Reserve Champion Stallion - In Memory of Dave Morris

Grand Champion Mares - Arthur Family

Reserve Champion Mare - Lisa LaBrie

Grand Champion Gelding - In Memory of Love Joy

Reserve Champion Gelding - Rod Fears 




Yearling in Hand Triad High Point - Split Rail Farm

Yearling in Hand Triad Reserve High Point - Arnell and Scott Ernst

2 year old In Hand Triad High Point - Eva Dahl

2 year old In Hand Triad Reserve = Jim & Jill Neleman




JPFC High Point 2 YO - Kendi Kamps

JPFC Reserve 2 YO - Rod Fears

JPFC High Point 3 YO - Kendi Kamps

JPFC Reserve 3 YO - Rod Fears

JPFC High Point 4-5 YO - Z Animal Crossing

JPFC Reserve High Point 4-5 YO - Z Animal Crossing




1. Adult Pleasure Driving 19 & Over - Show Off Designs

3. Leadline Costume 6 & Under - KNAB in Memory of Shez A Dandy 2C

6. Yearling Colts - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

13. Sr. & Sr. Res. Champion Stallion - In Memory of John Kennedy & Santee Cody

14. Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion - POA Stallion - Zippo Pine Tar

15. Yearling & Younger Geldings - Damman POAS

16. 2 Year Old Geldings - Show Off Designs

21. 4 & Older Geldings 54 & Over - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

23. Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding - Crown Racing

24. Weanling Fillies - MZ Ranch

25. Yearling Fillies - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

26. 2 Year Old Mares - Show Off Designs

27. Jr. & Jr. Res. Champion Mare - Dani Butler

28. 3 Year Old Mares - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

29. 4 & Older Mares 46-51" - Jan Rodgers Risingr POAS Home of Gold Prince Isingrpoa

31. 4 & Older Mares 54 & Over - Tammy K. Virzi

32. Broodmares - Show Off Designs

33. Sr. & Sr. Res. Champion Mare - In Memory of John Kennedy & Santee Cody

34. Grand & Reserve Champion Mare - Kent & Monica Rorick

35. Most Colorful POA - Lewellyn Family

36. Yearling Longe Line - In Memory of John Kennedy & Santee Cody

38. Leadline Showmanship 6 & Under - MZ Ranch

39. Showmanship 18&U W/T - Show Off Designs

42. Showmanship 10-13 - The Sipes Family

43. Showmanship 14-18 - Trey Faulkner

45. Showmanship 19 & Over - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

47. Bareback Horsemanship 10-13 - High Bid Ranch - Dave & Peggy Abernathy

48. Bareback Horsemandship 14-18 - Haley & Ginger Potts

49. Leadline Horsemanship 6&Under - The Pony Farm

51. Hunter In Hand 18 & Under - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

56. Huntseat Eq Over Fences 10-13 - Rick and Terri Thompson

58. Hunter Over Fences 10-13 - Debbie and Poncho Bland

59. Hunter Over Fences 14-18 - Daryl and Keri McDaniel

60. Open Jumping 10-13 - 4D Performance Horses LLC

64. Hunter Hack 14-18 - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

69. Hunt Seat Eq 10-13 - The Sipes Family

70. Hunt Seat Eq 14-18 - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

72. Hunt Seat Eq 19 & Over - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

73. JPFC Hunter Under Saddle 2 & 3 YO - Diane Kamps

74. Junior Hunter Under Saddle 18 & Under - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

79. Hunter Under Saddle 10-13 - The Sipes Family

80. Hunter Under Saddle 14-18 - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

81. JPFC Hunter Under Saddle 4 & 5 YO - Diane Kamps

82. Senior Hunter Under Saddle 18 & Under - Desert Sky Performance Horses

83. Hunter Under Saddle 19 & Over - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

84. Hunter Under Saddle Non-Pro W/T/L - Show Off Designs

86. Western Horsemanship 18&Under W/T - Silver Winds Stables

87. Western Horsemanship 19 & Over W/T - Silver Winds Stables

88. Western Horsemanship 9 & Under W/T - Silver Winds Stables

89. Western Horsemanship 10-13 - Judy Wurdeman

90. Western Horsemanship 14-18 - Silver Winds Stables

92. Western Horsemanship 19 & Over - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

95. Western Pleasure 9 & U W/T - In Memory of Dave Morris, 2D’s Farm The Morris, Crane, Hampton Families

96. Western Pleasure JR Pony 18 & Under -Barringer POA Ponies of Decatur, Illinois: Home of Regional, World, International, Congress, & Futurity Champions. Show ponies, prospects, & breeding stock for sale at all times.

97. Western Pleasure JPFC 2 & 3 YO - Kent & Monica Rorick

98. Western Pleasure 9 & Under -In Memory of Dave Morris, 2D’s Farm The Morris, Crane, Hampton Families

99. Western Pleasure 10-13 - Emery and Sawyer Smith

100. Western Pleasure 14 - 18 -Damman POAS

101. Western Pleasure JPFC 4 & 5 YO - In Memory of Dave Morris, 2D’s Farm The Morris, Crane, Hampton Families

103. Western Pleasure Sr. Pony 18 & Under -Frog Pond Farms

104. Western Pleasure 19 & Over - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

106. Western Riding 10-13 - SC Pony Farm standing Zippos Royal Kid

108. Reining 9 & Under - In Memory of Amanda Belcher & Te N Te On The Rocks, The Yocom & Gulley Family

109. Reining 10 - 13 - In Memory of Amanda Belcher & Te N Te On The Rocks, Split Rail Farm

110. Reining 14 - 18 - In Memory of Amanda Belcher & Te N Te On The Rocks, The Cook Family

111. Reining 19 & Over - In Memory of Amanda Belcher & Te N Te On The Rocks, The Wolfe Family

112. Ranch Riding 18 & Under - Stride Right Equine/Rachel Sais

113. Ranch Riding 19 & Over -The Cosper Family of Oklahoma - Ernest, Julieanne, Violet, Lydia, Summer & Mitchell

114. In Hand Trail Yearlings - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

119. Trail Jr. Pony 18 & Under -Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

120. Trail 9 & Under -Rod & Cindy Farrington

121. Trail 10-13 - In Memory of Bob Skinner

122. Trail 14-18 - Hannah Faulkner

123. Trail 19 & Over -Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

125. Trail Sr. Pony 18 & Under -Debbie and Poncho Bland

126. Trail JPFC 2 & 3 YO - Chimney Hill Ranch - Home of CHR Ponies Tommy & Suzanne Tomlin

132. Straight Barrels 9 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

133. Straight Barrels 10-13 - Max & Tracy Smith

134. Straight Barrels 14-18 - Max & Tracy Smith

135. Cloverleaf Barrels Leadline 6 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

136. Cloverleaf Barrels 9 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

137. Cloverleaf Barrels 10-13 - Max & Tracy Smith

138. Cloverleaf Barrels 14-18 - Max & Tracy Smith

140. Flags 10-13 - In Memory of Marshall Durbin

142. Single Pole Leadline 6 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

143. Single Pole 9 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

144. Single Pole 10-13 - Max & Tracy Smith

145. Single Pole 14-18 - Max & Tracy Smith

146. Go-Go Leadline 6&Under - Max & Tracy Smith

147. Go-Go 9 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

148. Go-Go 10-13 - Max & Tracy Smith

149. Go-Go 14-18 - Haley & Ginger Potts

150. Pole Bending 9 & Under = Max & Tracy Smith

151. Pole Bending 10-13 = Max & Tracy Smith

152. Pole Bending 14-18 - Max & Tracy Smith

155. Handy Horse 14-18 - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

158. Keyhole 14-18 - Dennis and Gina Heck Farms

159. Combination Dash 9 & Under - Max & Tracy Smith

160. Combination Dash 10-13 - Max & Tracy Smith

161. Combination Dash 14-18 - Max & Tracy Smith

Back Numbers and Feed Giveaway -Nutrena & Shellie Dalluge

Saddle Pads Giveaway - Show Off Designs

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2024 Board of Directors

President -  Ryan Cate

Vice President - Shannon Sucre

Show Secretary - Julie Sims

Treasurer - Stacie Sipes

Secretary - Jennifer Fry

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